Well, I am very proud of how my Seleucid Romanized Infantry turned out.  I am so exhausted…I am just going to post them without a bunch of talk.  The figures are from Aventine.  Your comments will be appreciated as always (after a long nap).

SelInf01SelInf02SelInf03Well…Off to the GT!

6 thoughts on “Getting on a Jet Plane! Romanized Infantry

  1. They indeed look great, Pat. Talk about painting them up to the wire. I couldn’t do that – I’d be too worried of getting them done in time. Best wishes with them on the tabletop. Dean

  2. Your army looks good. I’d be curious to hear how you packed it for the flight over and how you found the GT.


    1. I took a lot of care and purchased a Army Transport bag from Sabol Designs. I have known about the WAB GT for years, and have followed it on the WAB Forums…I finally got the nerve to put my WAB skills out there against the best in the world.

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